Swords and Chinese Swordsmanship.
Traditional Chinese Weaponry, History.13 Feb 2012. Ancient Chinese Weapons and Armor. By West Lee. The Chinese sword fall into two categories, the Jian and Dao. The Jian is a single hand. I have thought rather a lot about the Han dao design, and there is another reason (as given by Cheng & Dong in 'Ancient Chinese Weapons').
ancient chinese weapons dao
Ancient Chinese Weapons - the tengpai, or rattan shield.
ancient chinese weapons dao
MWO: Forums - House Liao symbol is a Japanese Sword.
Qiang (spear) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Dao - Deadliest Warrior Wiki - Wikia.
Ancient Bronze Weapons - Reocities.There is a detailed description of the traditional Taiji Dao form, including. The Martial Arts Guide to Ancient Chinese Weapons: An Easy Reference Guide.
Dao - Saber - Shen Yun Performing Arts.